Adoption Application
Please complete the entire application.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Cell Phone*
Age of Applicant (MUST BE OVER 18)*
What is your current employment/occupation?*
Employer/Occupation of Applicant*
How many people reside in your household?*
In what type of home do you live?* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you have a fenced yard?*
Do you own or rent your home?*
If rent, name of landlord or rental company (if own, put N/A):*
If rent, email address of landlord or rental company (if own, put N/A):*
If rent, phone number of landlord or rental company (if own, put N/A):*
Does your lease or homeowner's association restrict pet ownership?*
Do you live with parents?*
Do you live in college dormitory?*
Homeowner/Renter Insurance Company*
Are you committed to care for this cat for the next 15-20 years?*
Are you committed to finding a home where you can keep this cat if/when you move during the next 15 years?*
Are you financially prepared to deal with the cost of both routine (vaccinations, annual examinations, dental cleanings, heartworm treatment, etc.) and non-routine/emergency veterinary care of this cat?*
How much do you expect to spend annually to care for your cat? This includes veterinary care as well as daily care such as food, water, litter, toys, etc. PLEASE SPECIFY A NUMBER VALUE OR RANGE.*
Approximately how many hours a day will the cat be alone?*
Where will the cat spend the day?* Choose one: Confined to certain rooms Confined to one room Confined in basement In a crate Outdoors Free to roam the house! Other
Where will the cat sleep?*
Who will have primary responsibility for the care of the cat?*
Are you planning to declaw?*
What animals currently live in your household? (Please list type of animal, sex, age and how long you have owned them)*
Are these other pets outside or inside? (Please explain)*
What pets have you had in the past? (Please list type of animal, how long owned and what happened to the pet)*
Cats are not as playful as dogs. They do not like to be chased, harassed or constantly stroked as it over stimulates their senses. If you have young children, will this be an issue educating them?*
Which cat are you interested in Choose an animal: Beebz Claire Cookie DeeDee Dixie Grace Gracie Grasshopper Liberty Miles Minerva Minnie Mylah Navi Niblet Noelle Olive Ori Oscar Ozzie Panthro Perry Polly Remy Sarah Sasha Shorty Smokey Sophie Toni Twin
What traits are you looking for in a cat?
Veterinarian's Name and Phone Number (please list your current vet first followed by any previous vets or vets that have vaccine records on file)*
List three references, relationship to you, how long you have known them, along with their contact number (please number them 1-2-3). Please make sure at least one reference is NOT a family member.*
How did you hear about us?*
How would you like us to contact you?
All of the information that I have provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Should a cat be placed with me, it will reside in my home as a pet. I agree to provide the cat with adequate food, water, shelter, affection and medical care including maintaining vaccines and preventative care. All animals in the household must be up to date on all shots, flea, and heart worm treatments.
I understand references listed will be contacted as part of the adoption approval process.
I agree with all previous statements and acknowledge that all the information provided in this application is true.
I have read all the above and in lieu of signature, I agree to abide by all of its provisions.